The Miracle of Transformation

The Miracle of Transformation
Davis George

The crowd always followed him for favours and miracles,
But Jesus liked to teach, far more than working miracles,
For miracles were only signs of a greater reality.
If one could only comprehend what an amazing leader he was,
Dealt with crowds yet found time to see individuals.

There he was, Levi, the tax collector,
Sitting in his office busy with work, oblivious of Jesus.
Yet Master noticed what others didn't,
Jesus saw him, his eyes met Levi's,
“Follow me”, the Master said!

Amazed and puzzled, those close to him looked at the strange scene,
Tax collector, ruthless and merciless, many thought,
Extortion, mismanagement and partiality,
Despised and criticized by everyone for reasons known to all,
Isolated he felt, aloof others remained,
Distance created by fear and suspicion.
Undeterred, Master saw Levi with the eyes of a Savior and summoned him.
He did not dwell on his past, but saw his future vivid and clear;
Every sinner has a past, every saint a future.
Self-righteousness  he never accepted, availability and inner quest he noticed,
He needed people with knowledge and practical acumen in his team,
Knowing anyone can be transformed, uplifted to higher spiritual experience,
With no hesitation or concern for what others would think or say,
Jesus looked into his eyes and purposefully said, 'Follow me.'
What magic in that divine look emanating confidence and trust!

One need to look into the eyes of Jesus,
He who beckons at an unpredictable time,
To become his disciple and continue his mission,
To see a saint in a sinner and a tree in a seed and butterfly in a cocoon,
What a prompt response to that unprecedented call,
Levi got up and followed Jesus His Master,
Sinner transformed into a saint in the making,
And that miracle of transformation continues even today,
If only you would look into His eyes and respond to His invitation, “follow me”.
You will never be the same.