Interview with Dr. Fr Davis George – a titan in the education sector of India

(Interview with Dr. Fr Davis George – a titan in the education sector of India).

Dr. Fr Davis George, Principal of the famous St Aloysius College, Jabalpur had been to  Kanpur to address a large group of School Principals of UP, Delhi- Rajasthan region gathered there . A dynamic scholar of national and international fame Dr. Fr Davis George has been networking with Metanexus Institute, Philadelphia, USA, WWME Asia, Xavier Board of Higher Education, AIACHE (All India Association of Christian Higher Education), UGC, The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Rotary International, Inter- Religious Forum, Dialogue between Science & Religion(AEWF), and so on.

He was kind enough to oblige a face to face for Indian Currents with Tisy Jose, UMI).

Right Leadership in Education: the Need of the Hour

Q 1. Management gurus apply their minds to the disciples of leadership with a human face for profit-motive in business. What according to you is the kind of Leadership needed in making the mission of education effective in India?

A 1. You have rightly used the word “Mission of Education”, and to make this “Mission” effective in India we need visionary and missionary leaders who are committed to make India a knowledge society. Illiteracy and poverty looms large in the horizon of India, which centuries ago was known for knowledge and wisdom. We need enlightened leaders who are committed to the cause of making India great, through quality and value based holistic education. Educational Institutions are not commercial entities with profit motive, for their survival. Education in the real sense should result in transformation of self and society, enhancing the quality of life at the individual and national level.

Q 2. Educational Institutions seem to make a mess by mixing up management and leadership roles and strategies. Where should a manager draw the line?

A 2. A Manager deals with maintaining the status quo, monitoring situation, allocating resources, communicating targets, measuring the results and feedback on the trends. Where as a Leader deals with strategic thinking, looks forward, creates visions, challenges, motivates, inspires and establishes benchmarks. In Indian Educational Institutions we need managers who are committed, knowledgeable, and socially responsible. Educational leaders often get tied down to infrastructural development and barely manage day to day activities; whereas an Educational leader should be a visionary who can do strategic planning and take his team to achieve the Institutional targets. Institutional effectiveness would be hampered if management roles and strategies are mixed up. Educational system can flourish only with a visionary leader who has the freedom to dream, impossible dreams and make it happen within the specific time. Hence, good management would always acknowledge, appreciate and give the required moral and physical support to the Principal so that he/she can take the Institution to greater heights.

Q 3. In the galaxy of Indian academicians, luminaries like Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Dr. Zakir Hussain, Hiren Mukherjee, Madhu Dandavate, Dr. Manmohan Singh et al were teachers who rose up as great leaders of the nation. What do you think are the reasons their tribe seems to have vanished from India today?

A 3. I don’t think “their tribes” have vanished from India today, though they may not be as prominent as they should be. There are known and unknown academicians in India who have made difference in the life of students and society. On the 5th of September, Teachers Day, we would see many such teachers who transformed the lives of students. It is true that we should have many brilliant academicians opting for political power and national leadership. The reason why we do not have that many academicians in politics and national leadership probably is that in today’s socio-political scenario an honest and committed teacher will not be able to compete with political maneuvering, money power and muscle power. Luminaries like Dr. A.P.J. Kalam and Dr. Manmohan Singh are not political leaders, though became great national leaders. Dr. Manmohan Singh is a member of the Rajya Sabha, yet not a Lok Sabha member which is indicative of the popular mind set towards those who are academically sound. In Indian politics today, we need to have intellectuals with impeccable track record, strength of character and professional accomplishments. We need to fight against corruption and petty-party politics and stop dividing the country in the name of caste, creed, religion and region. Outstanding academicians should be given a chance to enter into national main stream and leadership.

Q 4.Despite a plethora of ideas being churned out of Education Commission, Workshops and Seminars to correct the faulty system of education in India, the system seems stuck in the heavy-syllabus-bound-route learning: your comment.

A 4.Many Education Commissions, workshops and seminars have come and gone. They have also given valuable suggestions and significant insights to eradicate illiteracy, ensure compulsory and free primary education and introduce job oriented vocational and professional courses. The Knowledge Commission  has challenged the present system of education and opened the frontiers of knowledge in the context of globalized society . The UGC and many State Governments have tried to update the syllabus and make it more job oriented. The teaching and learning process is no more centered exclusively on the teacher, but more on the process of learning through innovative ways like project work, web oriented classes, making use of ICT (Informational Communicative Technology), participatory learning, reforms in examination and assessments. There has been a noticeable paradigm shift in the purpose of education. We are now part of the world class knowledge society, with knowledgeable and self confident scholars and leaders emerging out of our institutions, making India proud and the vision 20-20 come true.

Q 5.While quality-education is a topic talked about increasingly in India, the quality of teachers and teacher-student relationship do not top the priority list… How do you think we can overcome the incompatibility?

A 5.In a globalized society, only quality will succeed. As educators we must review our system of education, and make strategic decisions to promote quality. TQM (Total Quality Management) should be our aim. We must never sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity. Quality is the buzz word. The quality of teachers and the quality of the Principal would be of prime importance. I would like to quote American Commission on Teacher Education, “The quality of the nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of its citizens depends - not exclusively but in critical measure - upon the quality of their education. The quality of their education depends, more than upon any other single factor, upon the quality of their teacher.”

          Teacher-student relationship will play a vital role in the process of education- mentoring, coaching and counseling which would enhance the competencies  and potentials of students and would help him/her to maximize his/her strengths and minimize his/her weaknesses. In our educational institutions we need to refocus our attention on “leadership through mentoring.”

Q 6. Since a decade or so there has been a calculated effort by some of the political parties to make education in India a pawn in their political class board in the form of doctored text books in social science. How do you think education can help purge politics rather than fall a prey to the political trap?

A 6.  Corruption has become a way of life in India. Politics has deteriorated into power game. Religion and politics are being mixed up to divide the society and gain political power. Social Science text books have been tampered and changed; history has been rewritten to suite the ideology of political parties in power which is a very dangerous trend. Education has always played a significant role in the transformation and development of the national ethos. Educational institutions should not become the laboratories for experimenting party politics and pity ideologies. The focus of education should always be on development, empowerment, enlightenment, capacity building and transformation, providing the best to the least, effectively finding ways and means to include the excluded and bringing everyone to the main stream of the nation, making the secular and democratic fabric of India strong.                                                                                                                                                 

Q 7. The Catholic Church being the biggest NGO with its 14,539 Catholic Educational Institutions of which 448 are colleges, 534 Technical Institutions and 310 non-formal educational institutions is indeed a formidable force that ought to influence Indian education. But that’s not happening. Where do you think the lacunae lies?

A 7. Catholic Educational Institutions have done colossal work in the field of school education, higher education and now professional education. Many of the national leaders, scientists, doctors and professionals are the product of our institutions. Dr. A.P J. Kalam has very often mentioned that he has been much influenced and transformed during his student days in ST. Josephs College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu. Most of the people who studied in our institutions do acknowledge, appreciate and remain grateful for the quality education they have received. Despite the fact that our formal and non-formal educational institutions have contributed to the national growth we have certainly not become the formidable force that exerts influence on the national scene. This is mainly because we really do not get involved in the life of the nation; we are more concerned about “eternal life” that we forget about our life here on earth and our rights and duties as the citizens of this great country. Many of us are unaware of the preamble of our Constitution. Hence, our focus has only been on academic results and not in transforming the younger generation to become sensitive human beings and committed citizens with the strength of character and integrity in their professional and personal life. Another major reason is that we do not project a united front in any field of our activity.  There should be more of uniform policy and purposeful approach in the field of education. Thirdly, somewhere down the line with in the church we have underplayed the great contribution made by educational institutions in spreading the kingdom values, in being the light, leaven and salt of the earth.  Personality conflicts and ideological differences have affected the mission of Christ. We need to revisit and rediscover our mission in today’s world and reading the signs of times and stark realities of socio-cultural and  political situations in India, take remedial measures and proactive steps to project a better image of the Church in India. 

Q 8.   As a scholar-priest-Principal of a prestigious college over 15 years and 10 years as Principal of a premier Senior Secondary School, in India, how do you assess your success in making education value-based in India?

A 8.   Working in an educational institution like this has always been a humbling and learning experience. There has always been much to learn and much more to do. The Church related institutions should follow the path of Kingdom Values and must make a creative effort to disseminate Gospel values at all times. Gandhiji said, “My life is my message.” There was no dichotomy in his precept and practice. We have consistently tried to promote integrity in personal and professional life of the staff and the institution. Through daily common meditation, prayer, assembly and weekly value education/Bible class we have been trying to promote a college campus culture, centered on the life and teachings of Jesus our Teacher, and Saviour. We have very successfully promoted inter-religious dialogue and dialogue between science and religion; various clubs and societies, curricular and non-curricular activities have focused on value education and integral formation. Orientation programs for staff and students have been of great help in inspiring and motivating one and all in living their life based on genuine spirituality. Tremendous synergy is created through synthesis of IQ, EQ, and SQ.

Q 9. As one of the dynamic leaders in Catholic education in India, you have been working on war-footing in teaching the teachers the much needed ‘soft skills’. What suggestions have you for the Catholic educators to help bring out more enlightened human beings rather than learned monsters from our schools and colleges?

A 9.   There was a time when the world focused only on IQ and people thought, the greater the IQ the better the professional and personal success in life. But today, research has shown that one needs more than ‘hard skills’- ‘soft skills’. Soft skill refers to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, facility with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark each of us at varying degrees. As Catholic educators our focus should not be to produce selfish intellectual giants or learned monsters, but sensitive human beings who can reach out, touch and heal the broken world and work for a strong and developed nation founded on justice, truth, and brotherhood/sisterhood. Let us go beyond result-oriented education to transformation-oriented and value-based education. Then, truly, our institute will become the Light-House. 

CURRICULUM VITAE - Dr. Fr. Davis George

1.         Name                                :   Dr. Fr. Davis George (S/o Late Mr. George K.I. and Mrs.                                                                              Baby George)

2.         Address                             :   Director,
                                                                  (Former Principal, St. Aloysius School and
                                                                  St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur)
                                                                  St. Aloysius Institute of Technology,
                                                                  Near Ekta Market, Gaur Bridge 
Mandla Road, Jabalpur                                                                               (M.P.). PIN- 482 001.
                                                                   Fax: 0761 – 2601152. Mob: 94251-52081, 8965019795
                                                                   Web Sites:  

3.         Date of Birth                     : 16-10-1950

4.         Date of Ordination        :  07-11-1976                 

5.         Educational Qualification :   M.A., Ph.D., B.Ed., B.Th.
                                                             Awarded Ph.D. for his thesis, “A Study on Gandhi’s Search
                                                             for the Conquest of Power”.

6.         Church Appointments:
1.                  Co-Pastor, Catholic Ashram Mandla, M.P.
2.                  Joint Secretary, Correspondent and Inspector of JDES Schools in Mandla and Seoni.
3.                  Co-Pastor, Holy Trinity Church, Napier Town, Jabalpur.
4.                  Officiating Priest in-charge of Holy Trinity Church, Napier Town, Jabalpur.
5.                  Principal, St. Aloysius Sr. Sec. School, Jabalpur, M.P.
6.                  Secretary, Priest Council, Jabalpur Diocese.
7.                  Member, College of Consulters, Jabalpur Diocese.
8.                  Worked in Church of Incarnation, Queen’s Village, New York, U.S.A.
9.                  Pastor Catholic Church, Goreghat, Mandla Dist. M.P.
10.              Secretary, Procurator, Chancellor, Jabalpur Diocese.
11.              Member Administrative Council, Jabalpur Diocese.
12.              Worked in St. Catherine’s Church, Martinez, California, USA.
13.              Diocesan Ecclesiastical Advisor to the Catholic Nurses’ Guild, Jabalpur.
14.              Principal St. Aloysius Sr. Sec. School, Jabalpur, M.P.
15.              Worked in Saint Callistus Catholic Church, San Pablo Dam Rd, El Sobrante, California, USA.
16.              National Ecclesial Team Priest, WWME, India.
17.              Principal St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur, M.P.
18.              Asian Ecclesial Team Priest, WWME, Asia.
19.              Spiritual Director, Legion of Mary, Jabalpur
20.              Member of College of Consulters, Jabalpur Diocese.
21.              Assisted at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral for 27 years.
22.              Director, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology (SAIT), Jabalpur.
23.              Parish Priest, Divine Mercy Church, SAIT Campus, Jabalpur.
24.              Member DCJ Foundation Society for Katra Hospital, Mandla, M.P.
7.         Retreats for Priests, Religious and Lay people

1.                  FMM sisters at Calcutta, Delhi, Jabalpur, Jokbhala.
2.                  SMMI Sisters in Raipur, Nagpur, Mandla, Chhindwara, Tasara, Gujarat.
3.                  UMI sisters at Kanpur, Mariampur, Renukoot, Lucknow.
4.                  CMC Sisters in Bina, Hazaribagh, Gaziyabad and Bhopal,
5.                  ASMI Sisters in Nagpur.
6.                  Religious, Pastoral Center, Bhopal.
7.                  Prabhu Dasi Sisters of Ajmer (PSA)
8.                  Benedictine Sisters, Beghamganj, Bhopal.
9.                  AC sisters, Goreghat, Mandla, M.P.
10.              Holy Cross Sisters Lucknow and Khairabad.
11.              Religious Superiors of JMJ congregation at Secunderabad,
12.              St. Anns of Luzern, Vijaywada, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam.
13.              Religious Priests, Vincentian Congregation, Satna.
14.              Diocesan Priests, Sagar, M.P.
15.              Deacons, St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur and Arch Bishop’s House, Bhopal.
16.              Deacons, Oriens Seminary, Shillong.
17.              Parish Mission, St. Ignitius Church, South Civil Lines, Jabalpur.
18.              Parish Mission, St. Pauls Church, Katni.
19.              Parish Mission, Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Jabalpur.
20.              Parish Lenten Mission, St. Callistus Church, San Pablo, California, USA.
21.              Given several talks on All India Radio for Christmas and Good Friday.
22.              Retreat for Priests of Tura Diocese (North East) from 6th to 11th September 2015
23.              3 days orientation programme for five FMM Provincials at XIDAS, Jabalpur from 8th to 10th October, 2015.
24.              Retreat for Priests of Jhansi Diocese from 23rd to 28th November 2015.
25.              Retreat for SMMI Sisters at SMMI Provincialate, Nagpur from 29th to 5th November 2016.
26.              Retreat for Priests, General Chapter Delegates of Missionaries of Compassion at Hyderabad from 8th to 13th January 2017.

8.         International Seminars:
1.                  Represented India at the Asian Conference of Worldwide Marriage Encounter held at Bali, Indonesia in 2000.
2.                  Represented India at the Asian Conference of Worldwide Marriage Encounter held at Seoul, South Korea in 2001.
3.                  Represented India at the Asian Conference of Worldwide Marriage Encounter held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2002.
4.                  International symposium on “Modern Sciences, Values and the Quest for Unity”, organized by IISR in Pune, January 2003.
5.                  Represented India at the Asian Conference of WWME held at Cochin, India in 2003.
6.                  Represented India at the Asian Conference of WWME held at Singapore in 2004.
7.                  Attended Parliament of the World’s Religions from 7th to 13th July 2004 at Barcelona, Spain.
8.                  Attended WWME leadership transmission program in Korea from 24th Feb. to 1st March 2005.
9.                  Attended International Conference at Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia on “Science and Religion: Global Perspectives” from the 3rd to the 8th June 2005 organized by Metanexus Institute, U.S.A.
10.              Represented Asia as a resource person at the World Council Meeting of World Wide Marriage Encounter at Winnipeg from the 19th to the 25th of September 2005.
11.              Conducted the Asian Conference on World Wide Marriage Encounter at Manila from the 7th to the 12th November 2005.
12.              Visited Assumption International University, Bangkok, from 31st March to 4th April 2006, to sign the Memorandum of Understanding to start MBA.
13.              Represented Asia at the World Council Meeting of World Wide Marriage Encounter at Austin, Texas, U.S.A., from 14th May to 22nd May 2006.
14.              Visited University of Texas on 23rd May 2006 to explore possibilities of educational twinning programme.
15.              Visited El Paso and Dallas from 24th to 30th May 2006 to study the community college system and twinning programme.
16.              Visited Neuman College, Philadelphia and had fruitful discussion on academic collaboration to start Post graduate studies in Bio Tech and Physiotherapy on 2nd June 2006.
17.              Attended International Conference at Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia on “Science and Religion: Continuity and Change” from the 3rd to 7th June 2006 organized by Metanexus Institute, U.S.A.
18.              Conducted Leadership Programme in Tokyo, Japan from 25th May to 29th May 2007 for WWME leaders of Japan.
19.              Conducted Leadership Programme in Shenyang, China from the 30th May to 1st June 2007 for WWME leaders of China.
20.              Attended International Conference at Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia on “Science and Religion: Continuity and Change” from the 2nd to the 6th June 2007 organized by Metanexus Institute, U.S.A.
21.              Conducted the 32nd Asian Conference of WWME Asia,  at Semarang, Indonesia from the 5th August to 12th August 2007 and presented papers on (1) Life is Giving (2) Stewardship (3) The Mission & Vision of WWME (4) Is WWME a Church Movement?
22.              Represented Asia and took part in the World Counsel meeting of World Wide Marriage Encounter, 18th to 25th January, 2008 in Rome.
23.              Conducted Leadership transmission program in Manila from 20th to 26th February, 2008. 

9.         National Seminars:
1.                  National Conference on WWME (Worldwide Marriage Encounter) as national coordinating team priest at Jabalpur 2000.
2.                  National seminar on Healthy Habits in Higher Education organized by Christ College Bangalore in 2001.
3.                  28th Orientation program for college principals organized by NIEPA in 2000 at New Delhi.
4.                  National Conference on WWME (Worldwide Marriage Encounter) as national coordinating team priest at Pune 2001.
5.                  National seminar on Minority rights and Higher Education organized by Xavier Board in Bangalore 2002.
6.                  National Conference on WWME (Worldwide Marriage Encounter) as national coordinating team priest at Ranchi 2002.
7.                  National Conference on WWME (Worldwide Marriage Encounter) as national coordinating team priest at Raipur 2003.
8.                  National Conference on WWME (World Wide Marriage Encounter) as national coordinating team priest at Goa 2004.
9.                  The workshop on Future of Education in India organized by the Xavier Board, Satyodaya, Secunderabad, from 26-28 October 2004.
10.              National conference on “Multidimensional Quality Enhancement of Colleges in Central India” organized by MKB College (A+), Jabalpur on 11th & 12th Dec. 2004.
11.              National Conference of All India Association of Christian Higher Education in New Delhi from 28th to 30th December 2005.
12.              National Conference sponsored by Metanexus Institute, Philadelphia, on Science and Religion from 4-5th March 2006.
13.              National Conference sponsored by NAAC, on Quality Enhancement in Higher education: Prospects and Challenges from 23- 24th June 2006.
14.       National Conference on Campus Culture in Higher Education at Christ College Bangalore organized by Xavier Board of Higher Education from 21st to 24th of May 2007.
15.       National Conference on Prospects and Challenges of Higher Education at Trinity College, Jalandhar on 29th September 2007.National Conference on Quality in the Campus in Higher Education on the 57th Annual Xavier Board Meeting at Jamshedpur from 6th to 7th October 2007.
16.       Presented a research paper on Mentoring: Leadership Enhancement for International Conference on Educational Leadership (ICEL) 5-7 January, 2009, IIM, Bangalore.
17.     National Conference on Globalization and infrastructural Development in India, on the 23rd and 24th January, 2009, at St. Aloysius College.
18.    National Workshop on Integration of Science & Spirituality to instill Values in Youth: Curriculum Development at St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur on the 20th-21st February, 2009. Sponsored by Indian Institute of Science & Religion,  Pune.
19.       National Conference of All India Association of Christian Higher Education in New Delhi on Minority Rights and Responsibility on 11th July 2009.
20.       As a member of UGC expert committee for XI plan allocation, I had been to STR Marathwada University from 28th -30th July, 2009.
21.       Regional Xavier board in New Delhi on 19th September 2009.
22.       UGC Expert committee member for XI plan allocation to Ravishankar Shukla university, Raipur and             Indera Kala Sangeet V.V Khaigarh, Chhattisgarh from 6th – 8th October 2009.
23.       Attended the board meeting of Xavier board in Don Bosco College, Maram, Manipur, from 25th          28th October, 2009.
24.       Attended the 109th Special Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE, New Delhi on 24th February, 2011.
25.       Present Research Paper on ‘Excellence in Higher Education’ at IIT Delhi National Conference from         01st – 03rd April 2011.
26.       National seminar on "Challenges of Higher Education Mission in a Secular World" organized by   Xavier Board in Bangalore on 05th May, 2011.
27.       Seminar on "Teachers are facilitators of learning and agents of Social Change" organized by             Government Model Science College, Jabalpur on 20th September, 2014.
10.       Resource Person:
1.                  At Two days orientation programme for teaching staff of Bhopal School of Social Sciences (B.S.S.S.) conducted on 29th & 30th of June 2001.
2.                  At the M.P. Youth Convention held in Bhopal on 30th October 2001.
3.                  At the National Seminar on Gandhi and Power organized by the University Economics and Philosophy Department in 2001 & 2002.
4.                  Resource Person to deliver lectures on Gandhi and his relevance in MKB College in 2002 and 2003.
5.                  Resource Person to All India Radio Jabalpur for several “Chintan” in 2000 – 2004.
6.                  Resource person for Orientation Course, Academic Staff College, R.D.V.V., 2001-2006.
7.                  Resource person for Refresher Course, Academic Staff College, R.D.V.V., 2001-2006.
8.                  At the National Conference on “Tackling Terrorism through Gandhian Measures” held in St. Aloysius’ College, Jabalpur – November 2004.
9.                  At the student’s workshop on Dialogue between Science and Religion held in October 2004 in collaboration with “The Aloysian Explore & Worship Forum”, Local Societies Initiative, Metanexus (USA).
10.              At the Teachers Workshop on Dialogue Between Science And Religion: Quest for Unity held in November 2004 in collaboration with “The Aloysian Explore & Worship Forum”, Local Societies Initiative, Metanexus (USA).
11.              Key-note address at the MP Youth Conference in Bhopal and Jabalpur.
12.              Staff orientation programme for Bhopal School of Social Sciences.
13.              At the National Conference on WWME (World Wide Marriage Encounter) as national coordinating team priest at Goa 2004.
14.              Resource Person for Two Days Leadership Programme in Hyderabad on the 5th & 6th February 2005 for the superiors and Provincial Team of JMJ Sisters.
15.              Resource Person for One Day Orientation Programme for the teaching staff of St. Joseph Senior School, Jabalpur on Saturday the 19th February 2005.
16.              Resource Person for One Day Orientation Programme on Jesus Style of Leadership (Omega Leadership) for the Bishop, Priest & Religious of the Diocese of Jabalpur held on Thursday the 17th March 2005.
17.              Resource person for Two Days Workshop on Science & Religion held on at St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
18.              Key note address on “The Relevance of Gandhi Today” given at the Post Graduate Department of English, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, 2nd October 2005.
19.              Resource Person for the orientation programme for college principals of Jabalpur University conducted in M.K.B. College on NAAC assessment and accreditation. Gave a talk on “National Assessment and Accreditation Council - A Blessing in Disguise” during the two days programme organized by NAAC on 24th to 25th October 2005.
20.              Conducted spiritual resource developmental programme for a group of FMM sisters at Napier Town, Jabalpur from the 28th October to the 1st November 2005.
21.              Resource Person for one day orientation programme - “Quality Enhancement in Higher Education” for the staff of Bhopal School of Social Sciences on 26th November 2005.
22.              Resource person for Two Days National Seminal on Science & Religion held on at
St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur
on 4th to 5th March 2006.
23.              Resource person at the World Council meeting of WWME at Austin, Texas, USA. From 15th to 21st May 2006. 
24.              National Conference sponsored by Metanexus Institute, Philadelphia, on Science and Religion from 3rd to 7th June, 2006.
25.              Conducted Asian Conference of WWME in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 17th to 22nd September 2006. Theme: Committed priests, Happy Couples and Beautiful world.
26.              Key note address at RDVV (Jabalpur University) on “Gandhi and His Relevance today”, on 2nd October 2006.
27.              Two days work shop for Teachers of Bhopal Arch Diocese October 2006.
28.              Five days Retreat (Spiritual Resource Development) for the Religious of Bhopal Archdiocese from 26th December 2006 to 1st January 2007.
29.              Resource Person for National Workshop sponsored by UGC, on Effective Role of Information Technology for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education from 18-20th March, 2007.
30.              Two days Seminar on Institutional Effectiveness: Soft Skills and Mentoring for all the Principals of UMI Sisters at Kanpur on 16th and 17th August 2008.
31.              Gave Key note address at the 41st National Convention of All India Association of Catholic Schools, Bhopal on “Relationship in School Administration”, on the 16th & 17th October, 2008.
32.              All India Association for Christian Higher Education. Attended the General Body meeting of AIACHE.  The dates are 29 and 30 December, 2008 At Allahabad.
33.              International conference on educational leadership on the 5th & 7th January, 2009, and presented a research paper on Mentoring: Leadership Management, at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore.
34.              Key Note address at Xavier Institute, Jabalpur, on "Globally Competitive Education: The Need for Enlightened Leadership and System", at the National Seminar on April 2, 3 and 4, 2009.
35.              Resource Person for the Seminar for Principals, Vice Principals, Organized by AMPICS.
36.        Key note address on "Value Conflict Management in a dynamic society" on 25th April, 2009.
37.              Participated in National Assessment and Accreditation Council Assessors’ Interaction Meeting from 25th to 26th June 2009.
38.              Preached a retreat at Lucknow for Holy Cross Sisters from the 29th December 2009 to   the 3rd of January 2010. 
39.              Key Note address at Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur on “Value Education and Character Building” at the National Conference on 16th to 17th January 2010.
41.       Resource Person for “Sansad Me Parivartan ke Mahatatva aur Awashakata” at Society for Brotherhood and Peace, Jabalpur, on the 17th of January, 2010.   
42.      Three day Retreat (Praise & Worship) at Sneh Sadan - Jabalpur 26th – 28th February 2010.
43.      Three day Retreat at the Cathedral Church Jabalpur from 6th to 7th March 2010.
44.       Resource person for “Bhartiya Samajic – Arthik – Rajayaneeti”, at Shanti Vikas Avam Sanskritik
Ekta Parishad, Munari, on the 6th and 7th March, 2010. For their Dasham Rastriya Shod Seminar.
45.       One day training programme in Soft Skills and Leadership for the Principals/Superiors and Provincial Team of CMC Bina on 18th of March 2010.
46.       Two days training programme in Soft Skills and Leadership for the Principals/Superiors and Provincial Team of CMC Bhopal on 19th and 20th of March 2010.
47.       Preached a Retreat at Kherabad, Lucknow for Holy Cross Sisters from the 6th – 11th June 2010.
48.       Conducted two sessions on “Motivation of staff and students” and “Inculcating Values and Enforcing Discipline” on 24th of June 2010, during the Training Course in Educational Management for Minority Institutions Programme at SHIATS-DU, Allahabad.
49.       Resource Person for one day Seminar at Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur (M.P.) on the theme “Sexuality and Spirituality” on 10th of September 2010.
50.       Attended the Triennial conference of Xavier Board and Chaired the session on Value Education              from 14th to the 16th of June 2010and Chaired a session on “Value Education and the Constitution of India”.
51.       At the National Conference of Don Bosco School in New Delhi, gave a talk on the theme of “The Challenges of Catholic Schools in India” on 24th of September 2010.
52.       Resource person at Academic Staff College to conduct one day Orientation Programme (Seven Habits of an Eagles and Ten Commandments for an effective teacher) for Professors on 29th of January 2011.
53.       Conducted one day training programme in Soft Skills for College Students and Staff on 22nd February 2011.
54.       Conducted one day Short Term Training Program on “Modern Approaches for Effective Teaching” at Jabalpur Engineering College on 14th March 2011.
55.       Preached Retreat at St. Charles Seminary Nagpur for the Deacons from 25th – 30th March 2011.
56.       Resource Person for two Days Orientation Programme for the teachers at Mt. Carmel Senior Secondary School, Bhopal from 15th – 16th June 2011.
57.       Resource Person for one Day Orientation Programme for the teachers, St. Aloysius Senior Secondary School, Jabalpur (M.P.) on 11th June 2011.
58.       Resource Person for one Day Orientation Programme on “Spirituality of Diocesan Priests” for Priests and Bishops in Khandwa on 01st August 2011.
59.       Retreat for the Sisters of St. Ann, Luzern, Provincial House, Vijayawada, from 10th – 16th September 2011.
60.       Asian Conference of World Wide Marriage Encounter at Hyderabad on 06th October 2011.
61.       Resource Person for two days National Convention, AINACS at Kochi from 24th – 25th October 2011.  The topics are, Education for Life: The Ultimate Gift, Soft skills: The Key to Success and Mentoring Is Empowering.
62     Resource Person to deliver talk on “Shifting Paradigms in Engineering Education” on 14th January 2012.
63.      Attended the Triennial General Body Meeting of AIACHE Society and the Conference of             
           Christian Higher Educational Institutions at Chennai from 29th to 31st January 2012.  Paper to be    
            presented on best practices in Higher Education.
64.       Resource Person for one day programme for the Priests at St. Theresa Church, Ashta – 466 116 Sehore, Dist, M.P. Theme      "Celibate Priesthood Today: Challenges & Response" on 9th February 2012.
65.    Preached retreat for Sisters of St. Ann, Luzern, Vijayawada from 24th – 31st March 2012 on the Eucharist.
66      Leadership training programme, for the General Chapter Delegates for Sisters of St. Ann of Luzern. India at Divyodaya, Secunderabad from 11 to 14th July 2012
67.       One day Regional Conclave at Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur in collaboration with Department of Higher Education, Govt. of MP and World Bank on Sunday, 29th July 2012.
68.       National Seminar on Education from 31st August to 01st September 2012, St. Aloysius College  
69.       Resource person for National Convention of All India Association of Catholic Schools (AINACS) at
            Jabalpur from 11th to 15th November 2012. The topics are Catholic Education for Responsible Citizenship: Prospects and Challenges and New Frontiers in Catholic Education to Develop Culture of Peace.
70.       Seminar Cum Retreat for senior sisters – Indore from 27th Dec. 2012 to 02nd Jan 2013.
71.       Resource Person for Quality Leadership Seminar for Principals at Shillong from 10th May to 13th May 2013.
72.       Retreat for   Sisters of St. Ann of Luzern, India, Northern Province, Visakhapatnam from 6th to
            12th Oct. 2013.
72.       Participated in the Annual Conference of National Commission for Minorities on 13th January 2014.
74.        Retreat for Brothers, Jesuit Novitiate, Umbir, Barapani, Shillong.from 6th to 12th February 2014.
75.       Resource Person for conducting Leadership Seminar for FMM Superiors and In-Charges at Jabalpur from 26th April to 27th April 2014
73.        One day SYMPOSIUM on Family Apostolate at St. Albert’s College, Ranchi for the Staff , Students, Priests and Religious  on  Aug. 21 (Thursday) 2014.
74.       One day seminar on Quality in Teaching and Learning Process for all the Principals of JMJ Congregation at Raipur on 20th October 2014.
75.       Three days seminar for Principals and Managers of Catholic Schools at Vadodara, Gujarat from 27th Oct to 29th Oct. 2014.
76.       One day symposium to Priests and Religious at Christian Life Commission, Nagpur on 24th January 2015 on “Challenges Faced in Families Today” and “Role of Priests and Religious in the Creation of Christ Centered Families Today”
77.       Talks delivered on “Good Governance and Quality in Higher Education”   in Academic Staff College, RDVV,  Jabalpur on 29th January 2015.
78.       One day seminar to Principals and Sisters of OSF Congregation at Raipur “Confronting Today’s  Challenges Which Principles And Teachers  Face” on 8th May 2015.
79.       Conducted orientation programme for the staff at St. Augustine S. S. School, Sagra, Jabalpur. On 25th July 2015.
80.       Conducted seminar at Raipur for Principals and Managers of Catholic Schools of Chhattisgarh State from 27th to 28th August 2016.
81.       FMM  Provincials 3R Leadership Meet from 8th to 10th October 2016 at XIDAS, Jabalpur.
82.       One Day Seminar on Soft Skills for Teachers on 12th October 2015 at St. Joseph’s Convent S. S. School, Nagpur.
83.       Seminar on Mentoring and Soft Skills to the staff and students of SAIT 11th and 18th March 2016.
84.       One day seminar on Reaching out to the periphery to proclaim the Joy of the Gospel on 7th May 2016.
85.       One day seminar for the Teachers of Sunday and School Catechism on 17th July 2016 at Bishop’s House, Sheh Sadan,   Jabalpur.
86.       Two days seminar at Dibrugarh to the Principals/Teachers/Priests and Bishop.
87.       Resource person for “National Consultation on Accreditation and College Autonomy as Strategies for Quality Enhancement and Sustenance” to be held from 10th to 12th August, 2016 at Christ University, Bengaluru.
88        Resource person at National Conference on Role of Academic Audit in Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in India 21 st and 22nd Oct. 2016, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
89.       Retreat for  SMMI Sisters at Nagpur from 29th to 5th November 2016.
90.       Resource person at National convention WWME at Nagpur from 5th to 6th November 2016.
91.       Retreat for Priests of Missionaries of Compassion at Hyderabad from 8th to 13th January 2017.
92.       Resource person for the National Summit on Advancement and Automation of Accreditation for  Higher Education in India   (NS-A3HEI), 4th February 2017   
93.       Resource person at Conference on Value education: integrated approach on 27th Dec. 2017, Campion school, Bhopal.

11.       Posts Held:
25.              Principal, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur from 1993 to 2012.
(Accredited A+, Reaccredited A (CGPA 3.5/4.0) By NAAC; College with Potential for Excellence)
26.              Founder Director St. Aloysius Institute of Technology from 2009 onwards.
27.              Principal, St. Aloysius Senior Secondary School, Jabalpur for 10 years.      
28.              UGC nominee in the Governing body of Hawlkar Science College, Indore from Oct. 2001 till date.(Two terms)
29.              Member, Women Development Cell, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur.
30.              Member, University Sports Committee, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur
31.              Member, Advisory Committee, Academic Staff College, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur.
32.              Member, Advisory Committee, University Science Instrumentation Center, R.D.V.V.
33.              Member, Core Group, Human Rights Commission, Jabalpur.
34.              Member, District Minority Commission, Jabalpur.
35.              Member to the Research Board of Advisors, the American Biographical Institute.
36.              Member, Governing Body, Autonomous Home Science College, Jabalpur.
37.              Member, Administrative Council, Jabalpur Diocesan Corporation. 
38.              Member, College of Consulters, Jabalpur Diocese.               
39.              Secretary, Priests Council, Jabalpur Diocese.                        
40.              Secretary & Chancellor, Jabalpur Diocesan Corporation.
41.              Member, M.P. Regional Priests Council.
42.              Teacher, Mission School, Mandla Dist., M.P.
43.              Member and Chief Spokesman of Jabalpur Inter Religious Forum, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.
44.              Public Relations Officer & Chief Spokesman, Jabalpur Diocese.     
45.              President, Northern Region of Xavier Board of Higher Education in India, Bangalore.
46.              Executive Committee member, Xavier Board of Higher Education in India, Bangalore.
47.              Member Advisory Committee, NSS, RDVV, Jabalpur.
48.              Chair and Founder, “The Aloysian Explore & Worship Forum”, Local Societies Initiative, Metanexus (USA).
49.              National Ecclesial Team Priest WWME India.
50.              Asian Ecclesial Team Priest WWME Asia.
51.              Member, National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
52.              Member of M.P. state level Ad-hoc committee to review the relationship between affiliated colleges and universities for more effective functioning held on 26th November at Barkatullah University, Bhopal.
53.              Co-ordinator of Jabalpur Inter Religious Forum from 1993 till date.
54.              University nominee in the Governing Body of Guru Nanak Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur from 19th December 2005.
55.              Member of the Executive Body of All India Association of Christian Higher Education, New Delhi, 2005-2008.
56.              NAAC Peer Team member, for Accreditation of K. M. Agrawal College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Gandhare Village, Adharwasi, Dist. Thane, Kalyan (W), Maharashtra from 27th-29th March 2006.
57.              NAAC Peer Team member, for Accreditation of Vivekananda College, Agasteeswaram, Tamil Nadu from 7th - 8th April 2006.
58.              NAAC Peer Team member, for Accreditation of Madurai Institute of Social Sciences, Madurai, Tamil Nadu from 22nd - 24th March 2007.
43.       Vice President of All India Association for Christian Higher Education, for 2008-2011.
44.       Member of UGC Expert Committee for Interface Meeting with College Principals to assess Colleges of SRT Marathwada University Colleges of Nanded District, Latur, Sholapur, Parbhani and Hingoli Districts from 28th – 30th July 2009.
45.       Member of the NAAC Peer team to assess Govt. PG College, Sangipur from 22nd – 23rd September 2009.
46.       Member of the NAAC Peer team to assess G.M. Bilakhia College of Arts, Amreli from 09th to 10th Oct. 2009
47.       NAAC Peer team visit to Jashipur College Mayurbhanj, Orissa from 27th – 28th November 2009 as Peer team member coordinator for NAAC.
48.       Joint Secretary, Diocesan Corporation of Jabalpur.
49.       Director, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur.
50.       Member of the NAAC Peer team to assess Govt. College (Autonomous), Mandya, Karnataka from 28 – 30 January 2010.
51.       NAAC Peer team as Member Coordinator visit to Dada Patil Mahavidyalaya, Dist. Karjat, Ahmednagar, from 15th – 17th February 2010.
52.       NAAC Peer Team as Member Coordinator visit to Anwarul Uloom College, Mallepally, Hyderabad, A. P. from 29th – 31st July 2010.
53.       NAAC Peer Team as Member Coordinator visit to St. Andrew’s College of Arts, Science and Commerce, St. Dominic Road, Bandra (West) Mumbai from 02nd – 04th August 2010.
54.       NAAC Peer Team as Member Coordinator visit to Yashwantrao Chavan Warana Mahavidhyalaya, Warananagar, Tal. Panhala, Kolhapur, Maharashtra from 02nd – 04th September 2010.
55.       NAAC Peer Team as Member Coordinator visit to Government Serchhip College, Serchhip, Mizoram from 12th – 13th November 2010.
56.       NAAC Peer Team as Member Coordinator visit to M.P.C. Autonomous College, Takhatpur, Baripada, Orissa from 03rd  – 05th  February 2011.
57.       NAAC Peer Team as Member Coordinator visit to Marwari College (Autonomous), Hindpiri, Lake Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand from 20th – 22nd June 2011.
58.       NAAC Peer Team as Member Coordinator visit to Joya Gogoi College, Vill. & P. O. Khumtai, Golaghat, Assam from 19th – 20th August 2011.
59.         NAAC Peer Team Visit to Government First Grade College, Kolar District, Malur – 563130,                    Karnataka from 30th September – 01st October 2011
60.        NAAC Peer Team Visit to Anugrah Narayan (A.N) College, Boarding Road, Patna – 800 013,                  Bihar from 17th   – 19th October 2011
61.        NAAC Peer Team Visit to Adivasi Pragati Mandal Sanchalit Comrade Godavari Shamrao Parulekar  College of Arts, Talasari, Thane, Maharashtra   from 25th   – 26th  November 2011.
62.        NAAC Peer Team Visit to Birbhum Mahavidyalaya, P.O. Suri, Dist.: Birbhum-731101, West Bengal from 16th – 18th January 2012
63         NAAC Peer Team Visit to St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu  from 29th to 02nd March 2012.
64      Nominated member of the Reconstituted Regional Direct Taxes Advisory Committee (RDTAC), Jabalpur by Govt. of India dated 03/02/2012.
65.       Nominated member of the backward/minority welfare commission by M.P. State Government dated 14/02/2012.
66.        NAAC Peer Team Visit to M.H. Mahavidyalaya, Tisangi, Kolhapur, Maharashtra from 23rd to 26th July 2012.
67.        NAAC Peer Team Visit to Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Shivchhatrapati College, N-3, CIDCO, Aurangabad, Maharashtra from 09th to 11th August 2012.
68.         NAAC Peer Team Visit to Dadashed Digambar Shankar Patil AC&S College, Jalgaon, Maharashtra
              from 25th  to 27th  September 2012.
69.         NAAC Peer Team Visit to St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore from 11th December to 14th December  
70.         NAAC Peer Team Visit to Secret Heart College, Tiruppattur, Tamil Nadu from 25th April to 27th  
              April 2013.
71.         Nominated committee member of Regional Direct Tax Advisory Committee (RDTAC) meeting on 03.05.2013.
72.         NAAC Peer Team Visit to Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, TN from 11th to 13th Nov. 2013.
73          NAAC Peer Team Visit to Pt. Lalit Mohan Sharma Government Post Graduate College  
              (Autonomous), Haridwar Road, Rishikesh – 249 201, Dist. Dehradun, Uttarakhand from 21st to 23rd
              November 2013.
74.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Sri Sarada College for Women (Autonomous), Fairlands, Salem – 636016, Tamil Nadu from 17th to 19th February 2014.
75.       Governing Body Member St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Jabalpur and St. Norbert’s College Jabalpur.
76.       Member of the College of Consulters, Jabalpur Diocese.
77.        NAAC Peer Team Visit to Firoz Gandhi Memorial Government College, Adampur (Hisar) Haryana from 28th to 30 August 2014.
78.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Govt. College, Suratgarh, Rajasthan from 11th to 13th September 2014.
79.       Founder member of ‘SAAMARTH’ a registered Social Service Organization.
80.       Given several talks on All India Radio and T.V.         
81.       Member, Rotary Club Jabalpur.
82.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Bhagwantrao Shivaji Patil Mahavidyalaya,Paratwad, Amravati from 9th to 11th February 2015.
83.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to C. R. Kisan College, Jind, Haryana from 12th-14th March 2015
84.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal from 23rd – 25th March 2015.
85.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Smt. Nankibai Wadhwani Kala Mahavidyalaya,  Yavatmal, Maharashtra from 3rd – 4th Feb. 2016
86.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri, Pune,  Maharashtra from 3rd – 5th March 2016.
87.       NAAC Peer Team visit to Sardar Patel College, Padmaraonagar, Secunderabad, Telengana from 4th – 6th April 2016.
88.       NAAC Peer Team visit to Savithri College of Arts, Ahmednagar from 29th to 31st August 2016.
89.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Government Collge, Khetri, Dist. Jhunjhunu, Rajastan. from 22nd to 24th 
            September 2016.
90.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to Osmania College, Kurnool (Autonomous), Andhra Pradesh 24th to 26th  
            November 2016.
91        NAAC Peer Team Visit to Mungasaji Maharaj Mahavidyalaya, Darwa, Maharashtra from 05th to 07th December 2016.
91.       NAAC Peer Team Visit to P.S. Government Degree College, Penukonda, Anandtapur, Andhra
            Pradesh from 13th to 15th December, 2016.
92.       NAAC Peer Team visit to Yashwantrao Chavan Warana Mahavidyalaya, Kolhapur – 416113, 
            Maharashtra from 17th to 18th February 2017.
93.       NAAC Peer Team visit to Krishna Ballav College, P.O-Jarangdih, Bermo-829113, Jharkhand Visit Date: 11th -12th September 2017.

12.       Awards Received:
12.1     International Awards:
1.         Local Societies Initiative (LSI) given by Metanexus Institute, Philadelphia (USA) to promote dialogue between Science and Religion for three years from 2005 to 2007.
2.         Citation and Recognition Award given by Worldwide Marriage Encounter for coordinating Asian Team from 2005 – 2007 for three years.

12.2     National Awards:
12.2.1 Educational Awards:           
1.                  Award given by Regional Conference of Lions International in recognition of meritorious service rendered in the field of education on 11 Feb.2001.
2.                  St. Hedwige Annual National Award given by Xavier Board of Higher Education in India, Bangalore, to St. Aloysius’ College, Jabalpur for the year 2000-2001 where Dr. Fr. Davis George is Principal from 1993 till date.
3.                  Dr. P.S. Job Memorial National Award for Innovative Educational programmes given by All India Association for Christian Higher Education issued in New Delhi on 16th August 2001.
4.                  The Best Citizens of India award 2002 - for having made a deep dent on the educational scenario of Madhya Pradesh.
5.                  The best teacher award for outstanding service in the field of education given by Mahakaushal Education Society on 01st April 2003.
6.                  Certificate for meritorious service in the field of Higher Education by National Lions of India in 2003.
7.                  Rev. Fr. T.A. Mathias award for innovative College Principals and Teachers for the year 2003- 2004 conferred by All India Association for Christian Higher Education.
8.                  Dr. Sam Higginbottom Award for the Best Principals of India for the year 2004-2005 given by All India Association for Christian Higher Education.
9.                  Awarded “Best Educationalist Award” for outstanding achievements by the Indian Solidarity Council, on the 13th of March, 2009.
10.              “Jewel of India Award” and a “Certificate of Excellence” for outstanding achievements and remarkable role in the field of education by the Indian Solidarity Council, on 23rd of November 2010 in New Delhi.
11.              “Eminent Educationist Award” for outstanding achievements in the field of Education by the International Institute of Education & Management, on the 20th of December, 2010.
12.              “Bharat Excellence Award” for outstanding and extra-ordinary achievements in chosen fields of activity and services rendered to promote greater friendship and India- International Co-operation by Friendship Forum, on 31st January 2014.

12.2.2 Other Awards:
1.                  Nehru Sail Trophy presented to the Principal in 1994 for promoting National Integration.
2.                  Award given in recognition of outstanding community service by Rotary International on 30 Nov. 2000.
3.         Award given by Rotary Club of Jabalpur in recognition of outstanding service year 2000-2001.   
4.         Award given by Rotary Club of Jabalpur for the Best Community Service on 30th July 2001.
5.         Award given by National Lions of India for meritorious service in the field of National Guidance and Help Line in 2001.
1.                  Certificate of merit for outstanding service, given by Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Society in 2001.
2.                  Award given by Rotary Club of Jabalpur for the Best Community Service on 14th August 2002.
8.         Award given by Rotary Club of Jabalpur for exemplary and selfless service Year 2002-2003.
9.         Award given by Rotary International in 2003 for outstanding community service.
10.       Award given by Inter Religious Forum of Jabalpur in 2003 for the special contribution made by him
            to promote inter- religious harmony.
11.       Certificate of Honour from N.S.C.B. Medical College, Jabalpur for having imbibed the spirit of the
12.       Certificate of Appreciation from Environmental Care and Sustainable Development Society.
13.       Certificate of Appreciation received on 26th January 2006 at the Republic Day Celebration at Wright Town Stadium from the Hon’ble Speaker of M.P. Vidhan Sabha for making significant contribution in conducting many blood donation camps and other public welfare activities.
14.       Certificate of Appreciation from Government of India – Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Directorate of Field Publicity – Chattisgarh & M.P (East) Region Raipur for Implementing Government Schemes in different Awareness Programmes.
15.    Certificate of appreciation for participating in one day training program on “Donor Motivation & Recruitment for Voluntary Blood Donation”, on the 22nd of February, 2010, by Transfusion Medicine.
16.       Certificate of appreciation from M.P States Women’s Commission, Bhopal, for two days 7th & 8th    
            February on the occasion of Women’s Day.
17.       Certificate of appreciation from Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Directorate of Field Publicity, Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh (East) Region, Raipur for organizing awareness camp and implementing Government schemes at Paraswara Village (M.P.) from 19th to 25th of February 2010.
18.       Valuable life time contributions honour from Harprasad Institute of Behavioural Studies (HIBS) in the field of Behavioural Science, literature, humanity and social development, extra-ordinary achievements by innovative and positive thinking and committed services as a thinker, scholar, researcher, scientist and teacher for national prosperity in the year 2011
19.       Certificate of appreciation from ECOSOFTT for the success of ANKURAN 2014 held at St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur on 10th March 2014.

13.       Research and Publications: 
13.1     Books:
1.                  “Dynamics of Power: A Gandhian   Perspective” book written by   Dr. Fr. Davis George, released in    Delhi in Dec. 2000 and the first copy was presented to the Prime Minister Mr. Atal Bihari Bajpai.
2.                  “Ecological Spirituality Cross Cultural Perspective” book edited by Dr. Fr. Davis George, released in 2007.
3.                  “Quality Enhancement – Prospects and Challenges” book edited by Dr. Fr. Davis George.
4.                  “Nanotechnology” book edited by Dr. Fr. Davis George released in 2011.

13.2     International Publications:
1.               Article entitled “Hindi Swaraj and Gandhi’s Search for the Conquest of Power” published in a book entitled: “Gandhi: - The Meaning of the Mahatma for the Millennium” ed. Kuruvilla Pandikattu in the year 2000. International Publication in Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series IIIB, South Asia, Volume 5.
2.               Paper presented and published at the Asian Conference held in Bali, Indonesia on “Working of Marriage Encounter in India” year 2000.
3.               Paper read and published in Seoul, South Korea on “Four pillars of Marriage Encounter- India” in 2001.
4.               Paper presented on “Marriage Encounter in Retrospection” at the Asian Conference at Kualalampur, Malaysia in 2002.
5.               Paper presented and published on “Progress of Marriage Encounter” at the Asian Conference of WWME held in Kochi, India in 2003.
6.               Paper presented and published on “Marriage Encounter India” at the Asian Conference at Singapore in 2004.
7.               Paper presented and published at the World Council Meeting of World Wide Marriage Encounter at Winnipeg, Canada on “WWME Asia: Prospects and Challenges” from the 19th to the 25th of September 2005.
8.               Paper presented and published on “Pricilla, Aquilla and Paul” at Asian Conference held in Manila, Philippines from 7th to the 12th November 2005.
9.               Paper presented and published on “Science and Religion Unfolding the Mystery of Creation” Published in Together Towards Tomorrow, ed Kuruvilla Pandikattu, 2006.

13.3     National Publications:
1.               Article entitled “Sati Ke Akhiri Pahar Tarunayi” published in M.P. Regional Youth Commission Souvenir on 1999 (On the occasion of the Fourth Regional Youth Convention at Bhopal).
2.               Paper presented/published on “Democracy in India and its challenges” at the National Seminar organised by Science College, Jabalpur in 2000.
3.               Article entitled “Rakhtdaan Mahadaan: Isa Masih ka Croos par Balidaan” published in Rachna, Vol. 28, Jan-Feb 2001, ed. Dr. S. Awasthi and Dr. Ratnesh.
4.               Poem, entitled “Flames of the Forest” Pub. The Quest, A Literary Journal, ed. Ravi Nandan Sinha, Vol.15:  No 2, Dec. 2001.
5.               Keynote address presented and published at the M.P. Youth Convention in Bhopal on “Youth for transforming the World” in 30th 2001.
6.               Paper presented/published at the National Seminar organized by the Philosophy Department, R.D.V.V., Jabalpur on “Gandhi and concept of power” in 2002.
7.               Two poems “One man with God is always in majority” and “Faith grows Weak and Light grows Dim” accepted and hoisted on the International Web site, Poetry. Com., in 2002. Also communicated to “The Quest”, A Literary Journal and Poet, an international monthly.
8.               Article entitled “Jesus and Inter-Religious Dialogue” published in “Vislesana”, research journal ed. Dr. S.P. Dubey, Dr. J.P. Mishra, Dr. A.D.N. Bajpai and Dr. (Smt) M.M. Adhikari, Vol.8 (2003) No.1.
9.               Article entitled “Gandhian Thought in the Making”; published in “SUVARNA” (Akhil Bharathiya Parishad – Swarna Jayanti Adhiveshan 2006).
10.           Article entitled “Best Practices in Higher Education” communicated to MKB College, Jabalpur published in their journal.
11.           Article entitled “Ethics and Value Based Education” communicated to MKB College, Jabalpur published in their journal.
12.           Article entitled “Motivation – Key to Quality Enhancement” communicated to “University News”   (A Weekly Journal of Higher Education) New Delhi.
13.           Article entitled “Science and Religion Reveal the Wonder of Creation” published by Shri Karshni Vidya Bhavan, Varanasi in the book titled “Religion and Science”, 2007.
14.           Article entitled “Contemporary   Relevance of   Gandhi   and Gandhian   Thought” published by Urbashi Barat, in her book titled “Studying Indian Writing in English”, 2007.
15.           Article entitled “Ecological Stewardship: The Biblical Perspective” published in “Ecological Spirituality: Cross Cultural Perspective” in 2007.
16.           Article entitled “Relationship in School Administration” published by All India Association of Catholic Schools, on the 41st National AINACS Convention, 2008.
17.           Article entitled “Motivation – Key to Quality Enhancement” published in “Quality Education: Prospects and Challenges” in 2008.
18.           Article entitled “Motivation: Key to Quality Enhancement” by University News, Association of Indian Universities, February, 2009.
19.           Article entitled “Mentoring: Paradigm Shift in Academic Leadership” published in “Higher   Education: Quality and Management” (Ed: S. M. Paul Khurana & P. K. Singhal), 2010.
20.           Article entitled “The Miracle of Motivation in Higher Education” published in “Higher Education: Quality and Management” (Ed: S. M. Paul Khurana & P. K. Singhal), 2010.
21.           Article entitled “Motivating and mobilizing the staff”; published in his book titled “Manual for College Principals” in April-June 2010.
22.           Article entitled “Education for Life: The Ultimate Gift” and “Soft Skills: The Key to Success” published in the book of All India Association of Catholic Schools in their 44th National AINACS Convention.
23.           Article entitled “Mentoring:  An Effective Process of Empowerment” published in the book of All India Association of Catholic Schools in their  the 44th National AINACS Convention.
24.           Article entitled “Mentoring: An Effective Process of Empowerment” published in widely circulated Journal “University News”, (A Weekly Journal of Higher Education on June 2012)
25.           Article entitled “Autonomy in Higher Education: Prospectus and Challenges” published in the book “Higher Education in India: Emerging Issues and Future Prospectus” edited by Dr. Abraham George.
26.           The article “Catholic Higher Education in India: Exploring New Frontiers” published in the book   “The Challenges of Catholic Education in India Perspective” (edited) 2017 by Janina Gomes, Claretian Publications.

 13.4 Published many articles in newspapers and magazines:
1.                  “Prem Se Bada Koi Dharma Nahi” – Christmas 1995.
2.                  “Rakhtdaan – Mahadaan: Isha Masih Ka Cruz Par Balidaan” – Navabharat & Dainik Bhaskar – 20.04.1996.
3.                  “Manavta Ke Liye Prabhu Yeshu Masih Ka Sandesh” – Dainik Bhaskar – 25.12.1996.
4.                  Yesha Masih Ka Amar Sandesh-Manav Kalyan” – Navabharat & Dainik Bhaskar – 28.03.1997.
5.                  “Calvery Ke Teen Cruz” – Dainik Bhaskar – 12.04.2000.
6.                  Peace: Millennium offer and challenge – Christmas 2000.
7.                  “The Holy word of God” – The Hitvada – 25.12.2002.
8.                  “Unke Liye Sarai Me Jagah Nahi Thi” – Navabharat & Dainik Bhaskar – 25.12.2002.
9.                  “Dreams of Jesus” – The Hitavada – 25.12.2003
10.              “Prabhu Isha Masih Ke Teen Swapna” – Navabharat & Dainik Bhaskar – 25.12.2003.
11.              “Let us celebrate Christmas and welcome Jesus to be born in our hearts” – The Hitvada –   25.12.2003.
12.              “Jesus made his life an offering for our sins” – The Hitavada – 12.04.2004.
13.              “By His Wounds, We Are Healed” – Good Friday 2004.
14.              “Unke Ghavo Dwara Hum Bhale-Change Ho Gaye” – Good Friday 2004.
15.              Christmas Ke Raat – Karishmai Raat – Dainik Bhaskar, Swatantra Math & Desh Bandhu – 25.12.2004.
16.              Christmas article “Christmas: The Night of Miracles” – The Hitavada – 25.12.2004.
17.              “Mai Deshpremi ……  Ya Deshdrohi” – Nav Bharat 15th August 2005.
18.              “Isa Masih Aapke Jeevan Ka Roopantaran Kar Sakte hain”- Dainik Bhaskar on 24th December 2005.
19.              Christmas Article “Jesus can make a difference in your life” – The Hitvada on 25th December 2005
20.              “Masih Aapke Jeevan Ka Roopantaran Kar Sakte Hein” – Nav Bharat, Swatantra Mat, Deshbandhu on 25th December 2005.
21.              Good Friday Article “Jesus paid the price” published in the – The Hitavada – 14.04.2006.
22.              “Prabhu Ke Pass Laut Aaye” – Dainik Bhaskar – 14.04.2006.
23.              Christmas article entitled “The Wonder and Challenge of Christmas” published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2006
24.              “Sulee par Eesa kee mrityu adviteey thee Good Friday Chintan” – Dainik Bhaskar -
25.              Good Friday Article “Jesus’ death on the cross was unique: Good Friday reflection” – Hitavada – 06-04-2007.
26.              Christmas article “The Christmas Miracle: Emmanuel, God with us – Hindustan times – 25.12.2007.
27.              Good Friday Article “The Cross Victory over hatred, despair and violence” – The Hitavada, on Good Friday, 2nd April, 2008.
28.              Christmas Article “Ishwar Kaun se Basha Bolte Hai” - Swatantra Math – 25th December 2008.
29.              Christmas article entitled “What Language does God Speak” published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2008
30.              Good Friday Article “Jesus made himself obedient unto death, even death on a cross” - The Hitavada, 10th April, 2009.
31.              Christmas article entitled “Christmas: The Longest Journey” published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2009
32.               Good Friday Article “He is guilty and deserves death” – The Hitavada, on Good Friday, 2nd April, 2010.
33.              “Vhah Praandand ke yogyae hain” – The Dainik Bhaskar 2nd April, 2010.
34.               Christmas article entitled “Christmas: Behold the Dwelling of God is with Men” published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2010
35.              Article entitled “Hey Mere Ishwar Tune Mujhe kyo chod diya” published the Dainik Bhaskar and in all local Hindi Newspapers in Jabalpur on 06th April 2011.
36.              Good Friday Article entitled “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?” published in the Hitawada on 06th April 2011.
37.              Article entitled “Vishwa Me Mahan Parivarthan Ke Samvahak: Eso Massihah” published the Dainik Bhaskar and in all local Hindi Newspapers in Jabalpur on 25th December 2011.
38.              Christmas article entitled “One Solitary Life made a big difference in the world” published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2011.
39.              Good Friday Article entitled “The Ultimate Auction!” published in the Hitawada on 20th April 2012.
40.              Christmas article entitled “Jesus: The Light of the World – Tamosoma Jyotirgamaya” published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2012.
41.              Good Friday Article entitled “Everything is complete!” published in the Hitawada on 20th April 2013.
42.              Article entitled “Chritu Jayanti – Putra Ka Upahar” published the Dainik Bhaskar and in all local Hindi Newspapers in Jabalpur on 25th December 2013.
43.              Christmas article entitled “Christmas: The Gift of His Only Son” published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2013.
44.              Good Friday Article entitled “Easter: By Rising, Jesus Restored Life from Death” published in the Hitawada on 20th April 2014.
45.              Christmas article entitled “What does Christmas mean for you’ published in the Hitawada on 25th December 2014.
46.              Christmas article entitled “What does Christmas meant for you” published in Prime Time National Magazine in December 2014.
47.              Good Friday Article entitled “Good Friday: Death Itself Takes on New Meaning and Purpose” published in Hitawada on 03rd April 2015
48.              Christmas article entitled “Jesus: The Manifestation of God’s Merciful Love” published in Hitawada on 25th December 2015.
49.              Good Friday Article entitled “Good Friday: Invisible face of God made visible” published in Hitawada on 25th March 2016.
50.              Christmas Article entitled “Do not miss God’s visitation at this Christmas” published in Hitawada on 25th December 2016.
51.              Article entitled “Ishwar Aap Ke Dwar Par” published in Naiduniya, Patrika, 25th December 2016.
52.              Good Friday Article entitled “What’s so good about Good Friday” published in Hitawada on 14th April 2017
53.              Christmas Article entitled “Transforming Presence of a Tender God in Human History” published in Hitawada on 25th December 2017.
45                Article “The Missing Component in Many Marriage: Gentleness” published in Prime Time Magazine in the month of January 2018.
46                Good Friday Article entitled “Incredible event: On Good Friday God died that we may have life” published in Hitawada on 30th March 2018.

14.     Special Achievements of the College:
·               Accredited ‘A+’ at the National Level by National Assessment and Accreditation Council in 2005.
·               College with potential for Excellence by UGC in 2006.*
·               Autonomy Status given to the college from 2007*
·               The college was privileged to have Mr. Rahul Gandhi on 18th Jan. 2010 for an interaction with our students and staff.
·               Mr. Robert Carlson, Chief of Political Economic Section of American Consulate General in Mumbai came to the college to deliver a Lecture on “US-India Relations” on 19th Nov. 2010
·               Visit of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam to St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur (M.P.) Gold Medal Distribution and Key Note Address on “Youth Mission is to be Unique” on 12th July 2011.
·               Re-accredited 'A’ (CGPA 3.5/4.0) at the National Level by National Assessment and Accreditation Council in 2011.

 (* The only private college in M. P. to receive all these honours.)
Websites:     Mob: 9425152081; 8965019795;

            CV – Shorter version (For academic purpose):
Dr. Fr. Davis George is the Founder Director, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur after having been the Principal of St. Aloysius College, Autonomous (Re-accredited A+ (CGPA 3.68/4.0) by NAAC and College with Potential for Excellence by UGC), Jabalpur M.P. for the past 19 years. Prior to this, he was Principal of St. Aloysius Sr. Sec. School for 10 years.   He holds a Doctorate in Political Science and Published a book titled “Dynamics of Power:  The Gandhian Perspective”.  He has also published more than 50 articles and research papers in number of journals, books and news papers.  He has edited three books titled “Ecological Spirituality: Cross Cultural Perspective”, “Quality Education: Prospects and Challenges” and “Nanotechnology: A futuristic application in all disciplines of science”.  He has organized many leadership, Human Resource Development and Renewal programmes and conducted several Retreats, Seminars and Orientation programmes for various sections of society.  He has widely traveled and worked in India and abroad.  He has been member of many Academic, National and International Associations including NAAC Peer Team. He has represented India as National Team Priest and later Asia as Asian Team Priest for the Worldwide Marriage Encounter.  He is the Founder and Chair of Aloysian Explore and Worship Forum in collaboration with Metanexus Institute, Philadelphia, USA.

He has been the recipient of many awards: Rev. Fr. T.A. Mathias award for innovative College Principals and Teachers for the year 2003- 2004 conferred by All India Association for Christian Higher Education.   Dr. Sam Higginbottom Award for the Best Principals of India for the year 2004-2005 given by All India Association for Christian Higher Education.  St. Hedwige Annual National Award given by Xavier Board of Higher Education in India, Bangalore, to St. Aloysius’ College, Jabalpur for the year 2000-2001.  Dr. P.S. Job Memorial National Award for Innovative Educational programmes given by All India Association for Christian Higher Education issued in New Delhi on 16th August 2001.  The Best Citizen of India award 2002 - for having made a deep dent on the educational scenario of Madhya Pradesh. Awarded “Best Educationalist Award” for outstanding achievements by the Indian Solidarity Council, on the 13th of March, 2009.  “Jewel of India Award” and a “Certificate of Excellence” for outstanding achievements and remarkable role in the field of education by the Indian Solidarity Council, on 23rd of November 2010 in New Delhi. “Eminent Educationist Award” for outstanding achievements in the field of Education by the International Institute of Education & Management, on the 20th of December, 2010;  “Bharat Excellence Award” by Friendship Forum India on 31st January 2015.

For further information please visit our websites