Testimonial by Akhil C. Nair – Student of 2009 Batch (EX Branch)

Dear Fr. Davis,

i am sending herewith a letter that describes what SAIT has given me. I am proud to be an aloysian and i am greately indebted to what SAIT has given me and the changes which being an aloysian has brought in me. i am working very hard here also and i am happy to tell you that i am the top scorer in the assessment and i have been straight away absorbed into an Australian Process which is the best process in this company. And this confidence and this art of expression has been given to me and nurtured in me by the activities and the assemblies that i conducted in SAC & SAIT. and the past two months have surely made me realize ont thing that u always have told us.. this world believes in th survival of the fittest.

waiting to hear from you soon. seeking your blessings and prayers for all the steps i take in my future.. keep me in your prayers.



JohnHarris said...

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