Teachers as Educators: Prospectus and Challenges

The Role of a Teacher in a Christian Institution
 St. Gabriel's Higher Secondary School, 17th to 18th June 2013, Ranjhi, Jabalpur

Dr. Fr. Davis George

Quality of Teachers
The quality of nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of its citizens depends- not exclusively but in critical measure-upon the quality of their education. The quality of their education depends, more than upon any other single factor, upon the quality of their teacher

As the Ministry of Education document Challenge of Education: A Policy Perspective (1985) has mentioned, “Teacher performance is the most crucial input in the field of education. Whatever policies may be laid down, in the ultimate analysis, these have to be interpreted and implemented by the teachers as much through their personal example as through teaching-learning processes”.

1.  Knowledge of your subject with practical application:
Knowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. ~ African Proverb.

2.  Be a good learner and teach others to learn

3.  Communication
3.1 Create Interest; 3.2 Respect

4.  Learn Classroom Management
4.1   Why is Classroom Management Important?
4.2  Techniques for Better Classroom Control.

5.  Participatory Teaching learning method.
How to motivate students to participate in classroom activities.
Extempore; Group Discussion; Solving case study; Quiz; Collage  Making; Debate; Ad Mad; Presentation.

6.  Include ICT in Teaching Learning Process.

7.  Make your lesson plans: SMART Goals

8.  Written work and Written paper correction.

9. A tree is known by its fruits
Results; Attendance; Transformation; Campus Culture; Value based, sensitive human beings who can respond to human needs and build up a better world.

10. A Teacher leads through example.

11.  Conclusion:
 The mistake of a doctor lies buried in grave.
   The mistake of an engineer lies cremated in bricks.
   The mistake of the lawyer lies in lies. 
   But the mistake of a teacher is reflected on the Nation”